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Going Wow!

Going Wow!

Our biggest feature launch is happening on the 17th March 2014! Team Detrack has been working double shifts for this mega launch, to bring you not just one but a whole new list of most frequently requested features from our users – all of which will be going live together!

In our international pilot program, we had the benefit of receiving excellent industrial feedback from our users with varying business workflow and practices. Taking all feedback seriously, our team brought development up to speed in a user-centric direction to build Detrack Systems into a top-notch vehicle tracking and proof of delivery system providing ground visibility for all types of business operations while making sure at the same time that it remain flexible, user-friendly, fast to deploy and very affordable.

Adding on to the amazing features we already offer, here’s a sneak peak of what’s hitting the dashboard and mobile App of Detrack Systems on the 17th of March!

  1. Collection / Pickup Feature Enabled On Both Dashboard & Mobile App
  2. Drop down Reasons Menu On App for Unsuccessful Collection
  3. Provide Both Photo & Signature For Proof Of Delivery
  4. Taking Multiple Photos For Proof Of Delivery
  5. Taking Photo POD Tagged To Each Item
  6. Notification “Beep” On Drivers’ Smartphone When New Deliveries Are Added / Deleted
  7. Customize Your Own Reasons Menu For Unsuccessful Delivery / Unsuccessful Collection

Note: All the above features will go live on Google Play for all Android phones on the 17th March 2014. Due to Apple’s mandatory approval process for every update released through the App Store, our iOS version usually lag our Android counterpart by about a week or two. All the new features will be available in the upcoming iOS release.

Since the beginning of our pilot program, we have been listening closely to what our users say and based on feedback, we design and build new features that will enhance delivery management operations and bring greater value to our users.

We understand that every company works differently, hence we design Detrack system to be dynamically versatile; to allow businesses to integrate Detrack capabilities seamlessly into their workflow without dictating how they should work. We provide flexibility when you need it; for instance in this new feature launch, you can customize your own reasons for unsuccessful delivery and collection. With our API ready, many companies have already integrated Detrack with their ERP, WMS, barcode scanner apps etc.  With Detrack, the possibilities are limitless. Should you require assistance in integration matters; we have our Support team on standby to provide assistance, just drop them an email at

A very exciting time lies ahead as we celebrate Detrack Systems maturity into the most comprehensive vehicle tracking and proof of delivery system mobile app. Stay tuned for more features geared towards enabling your business. Customer login for your customers to track their own delivery status as well as CSO login for your customer service crew to have ground visibility and live updates on delivery status, are making their way to you soon.


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