It has been a rewarding and exciting time for Detrack as we embarked on the journey of participating in the Emerging Enterprise Award 2015 jointly organized by The Business Times and OCBC Bank, supported by MasterCard®, RSM Chio Lim, Singtel, ACORN Marketing & Research Consultants, INSEAD and SPRING Singapore.
It is Detrack’s first run for this award launched in 2008 which was meant to recognise outstanding small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore. It was the first in the SME industry for being an award that reaches out to younger businesses.
Why the decision to take part in this award? Detrack Systems has been in stealth mode since our launch in April and now being proudly 17 months old and having our solution validated by users from more than 30 countries, it is time for Detrack to unveil ourselves to the world. The award has come at a most timely junction.
From more than 700 applicants for this year’s Emerging Enterprise Award and 3 rounds of selection including the final presentation before a panel of 9 judges, Detrack stands as one of the Finalist.
We now await the announcement of the results on the Gala Dinner on the 23rd of September at Shangri-La Hotel.
* We have been featured on Business Times Singapore on the 1st of September 2015!