Day 1 of e2eCommerce Indonesia is over. But we still cannot get enough.
The day was packed to the brim with well-scheduled activities from interesting talks to busy networking sessions.

We found out really early that this was not going to be any regular convention by the buzz that was surrounding the venue, even before the event started. To be honest, the team were caught off-guard by the media attention that e2eCommerce Indonesia was getting, but we took it all in our stride.
After witnessing Aloysius Arlando, CEO, SingEx Holdings give the welcome address, and esteemed guest-of-honor, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, BSc, Director General of Communications and Informatics,
Ministry of Communication and Informatics Republic of Indonesia, deliver a crowd-raising opening address, we were all set and ready for the day.
It took absolutely no time for the entire venue to be filled with visitors from all walks of life.

Detrack was especially excited to be a part of e2eCommerce Indonesia as we wanted to take the opportunity to launch ElasticRoute – the world’s first and only on-demand route optimization open API.

ElasticRoute can be used by absolutely anybody for FREE until at least 2020, and the entire team were extremely excited to share the great news with the world.
At the event and beyond, we opened up the invitation to all companies to test out our route automization algorithm.

e2eCommerce Indonesia also gave us the chance to let the world meet Gabby, Detrack’s brand-new Product Ambassador! Stay tune to follow Gabby around the event, as she catches up with familiar faces, and make new friends along the way.
With so much to see and so many interesting people to meet at e2eCommerce Indonesia, drop by Booth A07 at Balai Kartini Exhibition & Convention Center if you’re in Jakarta on the 11th of October 2017 to learn about Detrack’s latest launch, or just say hi to Gabby and the team! We’ll be waiting.