How To Create A Route

This article will provide the steps on creating a run for Detrack Route Optimization (TSP).

Note: Maximum of 100 jobs per plan. There are 3 methods to perform TSP:
  1. Route Optimization Page
  2. Job Table
  3. Map View

Preparing A Route

To prepare a route, perform the following:
  1. Updated Vehicle Details under the Vehicle Tab
  2. Created a Depot under Route Optimization (How to add a depot)
  3. Jobs added into the systems with an assigned Vehicle


Method 1: Route Optimization page

  • Navigate to Routes.
  • Click Create Route.
  • A popup will appear.
    • Fill up the following details
      • Run No. => Name of the route for identification.
      • Starting Point => Starting location of the route.
      • Ending Point (Optional) => If this field is filled up, the system will try to complete the route by having the last stop near this location.
      • Select a Driver => Driver / Vehicle assigned to the route.
      • Route Time Window => The generated route will be within this Time Window. If Working Hours for the selected Driver / Vehicle have been added under the Vehicles page, the added time window will be populated to this field.
      • Service Time (Optional) => Amount of time spent for the job. (E.g. Parking / Loading/ Unloading Time)
      • Traffic (Optional) => Introduce a buffer to slow down the speed of the vehicle on certain roads.
      • Avoid Toll (Optional) => The systems will attempt to avoid the use of toll / gantry for generating the route.
      • Max Speed (Optional) => Maximum traveling speed of the vehicle.
        • Navigate to Settings > Organization > General > Unit of distance to toggle between the change of units (km/h vs MPH).
        • Providing a value will cause the systems to utilize certain roads for routing.
        • Default: 140km/h for cars and 90km/h for trucks.
    • Click Create Route when done.
  • A map view of the jobs will appear.
  • Optional. To the left hand side of the screen there is panel to edit the route.
    • To change the route name (Run No.), click on the field to edit it.
    • To edit the vehicle information for planning, click on the > button to expand the details.
      • Mode => Determines the path distance used for generating the route. Certain vehicles can only travel on certain roads.
      • Starting Point => Starting Location of the route.
      • Ending Point (Optional) => Ending Location of the route.
      • Route Time Window => The route will be within this time window.
    • Click on the Filter button to filter the jobs list based on Job Status.
    • Click on the Trash bin button to exclude the job for this route
      (This process does not delete the job in your account.)
  • Click the Optimize Route button to start the process.
  • The process will start. You can either navigate away or stay on this page.
  • Once planning is done, you will notified by a popup on the bottom right.
  • The Run Number, Job Sequence and ETA Time will be generated, and populated to the jobs.

Job Table and Map View

  • Method 2: Job Table
    • Under the Jobs tab, navigate to Today’s Jobs > Deliveries or Collections.
    • In the Jobs Table, select the jobs you wish to create a route with. Once selected, click on the Actions button and click on Plan Single Route from the drop down list.
  • Method 3: Map View
    • Navigate to Map.
    • Click the Select Mode.
    • Select the date of the jobs for the jobs to appear in the map.
    • Click to use any of the selector tools to select the required jobs for planning.
    • The map marker of the selected jobs will have its color changed.
    • Click on Actions > Plan single routes.
  • The Create new route form will appear.
  • Fill up the following details
    • Run No. => Name of the route for identification.
    • Starting Point => Starting location of the route.
    • Ending Point (Optional) => If this field is filled up, the system will try to complete the route by having the last stop near this location.
    • Select a Driver => Driver / Vehicle assigned to the route.
    • Route Time Window => The generated route will be within this Time Window. If Working Hours for the selected Driver / Vehicle have been added under the Vehicles page, the added time window will be populated to this field.
    • Service Time (Optional) => Amount of time spent for the job. (E.g. Parking / Loading/ Unloading Time)
    • Traffic (Optional) => Introduce a buffer to slow down the speed of the vehicle on certain roads.
    • Avoid Toll (Optional) => The systems will attempt to avoid the use of toll / gantry for generating the route.
    • Max Speed (Optional) => Maximum traveling speed of the vehicle.
      • Navigate to Settings > Organization > General > Unit of distance to toggle between the change of units (km/h vs MPH).
      • Providing a value will cause the systems to utilize certain roads for routing.
      • Default: 140km/h for cars and 90km/h for trucks.
    • If Working Hours for the selected Driver / Vehicle have been added under the Vehicles page, the added time window will be populated to this field.
    • Press the Create & Optimize button once ready.
  • The following popup will appear at the bottom right, showing the sent optimizing request.
  • Once the routing is completed, you will be informed by the popup at the bottom right.
  • Under Route Optimization, you will find the route as shown below.
  • Clicking on View created route will lead you to the Route page

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