Route Planning – Job Settings

This article is regarding the enabling of fields related to Detrack Routing.


  1. Navigate to Settings > Job > Fields.
  2. Enable the following fields
    Field Description Required / Optional Data Type Example
    Priority Jobs with higher priority value have a lower chance of getting dropped from the route, if there is insufficient capacity (e.g. time / load) to perform the job. Optional. Integer 1
    Service Time Time spent at the job location. To account for parking / loading / unloading time etc.. The service time will be added to the ETA Time of the subsequent job in the run. Optional. Integer 1
    Run No. Identifier for the route. Collective set of jobs. Required String Run 1
    Job Sequence For controlling the index of the jobs to be performed in a route. Jobs with the smallest index to be performed first. Ascending order. Generated by systems after routing. Float 1
    ETA Time Estimated time of arrival when the driver would reach the location. Generated by systems after routing. Time 13:30
    Completion Time Window From Starting time when the job is available to be attempted. The generated ETA Time will be within this Time Window. Default: 00:00. Optional. Time 12:00
    Completion Time Window Till Ending time when the job is available to be attempted. The generated ETA Time will be within this Time Window. Default: 23:59. Optional. Time 14:00
    Zone Jobs assigned a zone can only be assigned to vehicles assigned the same zone or vehicles without a zone. Refer to VRP Zone And Group Assignment. Optional String North
    Group Jobs belonging to a group can only be assigned to vehicles belonging to the same group or vehicles without a group. Refer to VRP Zone And Group Assignment. Optional String Apple
    Pallets For capacitated vehicle route planning (cVRP); routes that have a load capacity. Optional Integer 10
  3. Click Save when done.
Example display of jobs in Driver App after route planning.

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