How To Use The Scanner App To Mass Assign Jobs To Driver

There are 2 ways to assign the job to a driver via the Scanner App:

  1. Entering the D.O No. into the Search text box
  2. Scanning of the barcode / QR code

To assign many jobs using the Scanner App, tap on Scan To Mass Assign Driver from the main page.

The Mass Assign Driver page will appear.

Select the relevant data for searching:

  1. Date => Delivery or Collection Date
  2. Select Driver => Select your driver
  3. Type => Either Delivery or Collection job

Search By Entering D.O. No. In the Search Bar

Enter the D.O. No. into the Search text box.

Tap on Enter or Return button from your keyboard to perform the search.

If the job is found, it will be assigned to the selected driver.

Search By Scanning Barcode / QR Code

Tap on the Scan icon at the bottom of the screen.

Scan the barcode / QR code of your shipping label to perform the search. If the job is found, it will be assigned to the selected driver.

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