How To Set Priority For A Job For A Route

This article will provide the steps for setting Priority for a Job in Detrack Route Optimization.

Jobs with lower priority value have a higher chance of being dropped from the route if there is insufficient time / vehicle capacity to handle all the jobs.

You may provide a higher priority value to jobs that are urgent.

Note: If your existing route contains a completed job, you will be unable to edit the route.


  1. Navigate to Routes.
  2. Create a new route or select an existing one.
  3. In the Routing page, select a Job and press the Edit button. (For an optimized route, you will need to click on the Edit route button first)
  4. The job window will appear. Edit the priority value (Max: 100). Click on Save Button. Jobs with priority value more than 50, they will be tagged as High Priority.
<-- Example Usage --> <-- E.g. 4 Jobs with limited time. Effects of w/wo priority to the jobs. -->

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