How To Display / Hide Fields In The Job Table And / Or Driver App

Jobs Table

There are many fields in Detrack. This tutorial is regarding the displaying / hiding of fields in the Job Table of the Dashboard and Driver App.


  1. Navigate to Settings > Job > Fields.
  2. In the Fields table, check / uncheck the boxes under the Jobs Table and / or Driver App columns to display / hide the information respectively. (Boxes that are grayed out cannot be disabled.)
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click Save when done.
With the D.O. No. and Date enabled (checked), the respective columns are being displayed in the job table.
With the D.O. No. and Date fields being disabled (unchecked), these columns will be hidden in the job table.

Driver App

To display / hide the information in the Driver App, check / uncheck the boxes under the Driver App column.

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