How To Automatically Reschedule Delivery / Collection Jobs To The Next Day

This Reschedule feature is meant for forwarding jobs with “Not Delivered” and / or “In Progress” status from the current day to the subsequent day.


  • This feature will only forward the jobs from the current day.
  • Jobs from other past dates will not be affected by this feature.
  • The event will take place at 12 midnight.


  1. Click on Settings > Jobs > Fields.
  2. Switch on Auto Reschedule > Save.
  3. Navigate to the Reschedule tab, you can auto reschedule your incomplete delivery /collection jobs such as In Progress, Not Delivered or Not Collected jobs to the subsequent day.
  4. There are 2 options available for Auto Reschedule jobs:

    1. All – To reschedule all jobs to the next day.
    2. Per Job – To reschedule selected jobs to the next day. An option will appear in the Details section of the Delivery/Collection form.
  5. Your incomplete jobs will automatically be rescheduled to the following day until the Max Attempts is reached (if applicable).

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