List of Job Variables For Your Email Or Text/SMS Notifications

Below is a list of job variables that can be inserted into your emails or text / SMS for sending the notifications.

Kindly note that the job variables are case-sensitive, i.e. there is a need to use the exact word e.g. {{name}} in your template notification.

Other variations such as {{Name}}, {{NAME}}, {{nAME}}} etc. will fail.

Job Level Section

Tag Definition
{{name}} Name of the deliver to / collect from customer
{{do_no}} D.O. No.
{{date}} Date of the Delivery / Collection job.
{{type}} Type of job in Upper case (Delivery, Collection)
{{type | downcase}} Type of job in lower case (delivery, collection)
{{address}} Job address
{{group_name}} Group
{{tracking_link}} Short link to tracking widget
{{complete_by}} Job to be completed by date
{{time}} Delivery / Collection time
{{tracking_status | downcase}} Status of job in lower case (completed, failed)
{{payment_amount}} Payment amount to be collected
{{payment_mode}} Mode of payment (COD)
{{pod_day}} Day of the POD captured
{{pod_date}} Date of the POD captured
{{pod_time}} Time of the POD captured
{{received_by}} Parcel received by or send by (name)
{{reason}} Reason for Failed status (Wrong address)
{{note}} Notes from driver
{{tracking_no}} Tracking no.
{{order_no}} Order No.
{{job_order}} Order of the job to be completed
{{company}} Company name
{{job_status}} Job status (in progress, in-transit)
{{customer}} Customer name
{{acc_no}} Account No.
{{invoice_no}} Invoice No.
{{invoice_amt}} Invoice Amount
{{source}} Source
{{attachment_url}} Attachment URL link
{{service_type}} Service Type
{{assign_to}} Assign to driver
{{boxes}} Boxes
{{bins}} Bins
{{bundles}} Bundles
{{cartons}} Cartons
{{cbm}} Cubic Meters
{{envelopes}} Envelopes
{{pallets}} Pallets
{{pcs}} Pieces
{{trays}} Trays
{{weight}} Weight
{{sno}} Serial No.
{{handled_by}} Received by / Collect from
{{actual_utilization}} Actual utilization
{{actual_weight}} Actual weight
{{actual_pallets}} Actual Pallets
{{actual_crates}} Actual crates
{{eta}} ETA (Estimated time for Head to Location, entered through Driver App)
{{eta_time}} Estimated Time of Arrival (entered through Dashboard > ETA Time field)
{{paid}} Paid
{{phone}} Phone no.
{{instructions}} Instructions
{{temp}} Temperature
{{driver_phone}} Phone number of driver. Information to be provided for each vehicle under the Vehicles tab.
{{contactless_signature_link}} Contactless signature URL link for users to sign for their POD
{{verification_code}} A code that is automatically generated by the systems for completing/failing the job

Item Details Section

Tag Definition
{{items}} This will return all the information in the Item Details. Requires a looping to obtain the individual values.
snos Serial Number
sku Stock Keeping Unit
po_no Purchase Order Number
batch_no Batch Number
expiry Expiry
desc Description
cmts Comments
qty Quantity
uom Unit of Measurement
weight Weight

Sample code: {% if items.size != 0 %} SKU | Description | Qty {% for item in items %} {{item.sku}} | {{item.desc}} | {{item.qty}} {% endfor %} {% endif %}


The output of the job variables can be modified with the inclusion of a pipe character |.

For example: {{tracking_status | downcase}} will output the text in lowercase. {{date | date: “%d/%m/%Y”}} will output the date as 11/03/2022 etc.

Date (Year, Month, Day)

Format Directive Description Example
%Y Year with century. 2021, 2022
%C year / 100 (round down). 21, 22
%y year % 100. 00..99
%m Month of the year, zero-padded. 01..12
%_m blank-padded. 1..12
%-m no-padded. 1..12
%B The full month name. January
%b The abbreviated month name. Jan
%d Day of the month, zero-padded. 01..31
%-d no-padded. 1..31
%e Day of the month, blank-padded. 1..31


Format Directive Description Example
%A The full weekday name. Sunday
%a The abbreviated name. Sun
%u Day of the week. Monday is 1. 1..7
%w Day of the week. Sunday is 0. 0..6

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