How To Set Up Automated Email Notification When Drivers Submits A Vehicle Check

This article is regarding the setting up of email notification whenever a vehicle check is submitted.

Example email


  • Owner and all sub-user accounts with the Manage Vehicle Checklist permission will be sent the related email notification.

Setting Up The Checklist

This section is regarding the setup of the checklist template for your drivers.


  1. Navigate to Vehicle Check.
  2. Navigate to Manage Checklist.
  3. Click the Add new checklist > A form will appear.
  4. In the ensuing form,
    1. Provide a name to the checklist.
    2. Switch on the Receive email for
      1. All submissions => Email notification will be for all vehicle check submission.
      2. Only for submissions containing 1 or more failed items => Email notification for all vehicle check submission if it contains 1 or more failed components.
    3. Click Save when done.
  5. A vehicle checklist will appear in the Checklist Table thereafter with the Email alerts switch being enabled.
  6. Proceed to add checklist items for the Vehicle Check by clicking on the corresponding row to generate the items for this checklist.
  7. Click the Add checklist item button to add the checklist item.

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